Stud Installation
Click here for our bike tire stud installation video
Before Studding:
- For our studs, tires must have pre-formed pockets. If your tires do not have pockets, these are not the studs for you.
- Do NOT test-ride new tires before studding (pebbles will get lodged in stud pockets).
- Remove debris from pockets before adding studs.
- If the tires are mounted, put a fair amount of air pressure in the tire. The more back pressure it provides, the easier it will be to push the studs in.
- If the tires are not mounted, find something stiff but a bit forgiving to put behind the tire for support where you're studding it, such as a football or similar.
Installing the Studs:
- Slide pointed tip of stud into the end of the tool.
- Our Monster-mag and T-handle tools will hold the stud securely in the tip. They both have a neodymium magnet.
- With the Mini-mag tool it is best to hold it at an upward angle or as close to horizontal as possible until you get it to the stud pocket.
- Dip stud in liquid to lubricate (alcohol works great, hand sanitizer, even water works).
- Push the flange of the stud into the pocket. An angled approach, with the flange cutting across the hole diameter, will help the stud slide in.
- Rotate the handle around the hole while pushing to seat the flange into the hole all the way around (move your hand in small circles rather than twisting the tool).
- When flange bottoms out, remove the tool.
- The flange will hold the stud in place.
- End of aluminum stud body should be roughly flush with knob surface, with only the carbide tip protruding.
After Studding:
- For increased stud retention, ride 10-20 mi on hard surface to seat studs before riding off road.
- Removal is the opposite of insertion.
- Wash hands after handling.
- Cycle with care.